Monday, November 26, 2007

Our New Album

Hey everyone! Our new album is now available, and we're really excited about it. We'd love it if all of you could listen to it! Just send us $13 to the following address:

The Ivy Street Band
3388 Merlin Road Suite 250
Grants Pass, Oregon


Destiny said...

It's neat to see that you have a blog for your other band!

Jeremy said...

While I appreciate your interest, (and, for the record, you have an awesome name,) TISB is nobody's "Other band". This is the band. So look no further. Your quest for the pinnacle of hard rocking goodness can end, and your soul can be at rest knowing that we shall continue to provide endless joy and cultural enlightenment for you and your children, and your children's children.

Christina said...

Don't worry Destiny...if he ever bugs you, we know where he lives. :)

Destiny said...
